MindFreedom Victory

VICTORY: MFI Alerts Help Win on Federal Agency’s Web Forum

It’s over. We won. Today, Friday, 22 October 2010, 5 pm EST was the deadline. And after the dust settled… After a last-minute campaign that temporarily pushed forced outpatient psychiatric drugging to the top of a USA forum about federal mental health goals… Enough of you ‘voted’ on the web to support the voice of mental health consumer/survivors… Challenge psychiatric drug industry undue power… And support more non-drug alternatives! [Update 9]

MindFreedom International News Update 9 – Friday, 22 Oct. 2010, 6:30 pm EDT

2 thoughts on “MindFreedom Victory”

  1. Interesting.

    The problem, of course is that Constitutional rights are not up for a “vote.”

    They are there to protect the rights of the minority. In this case, people labeled with a severe “mental illness.”

    Forced drugging is unconstitutional.
    Nobody should ever be forced to take drugs without due process of law – an attorney (not a social worker), a trial, a real court room.

    Forced drugging is unconstitutional.
    This is not a popularity contest.
    No “votes” necessary.

    Attorney, Jim Gottstein… an article from Duke Law –


    Duane Sherry

  2. Forgive me for taking the liberty of posting here but the mind freedom that is becoming realer every day for me is the freedom that begins to come after we have lived so fully up to the ceilings of the self centered mind that the container of it shatters and for the first time in our lives we are in a position to know the truth of ourselve albeit initially a very tiny seed which can really grow and fill the whole house of our being.
    What a day I’ve enjoyed with deep meaningfull connection and long suffering hearts of others around me beginning to ignite and catch fire with a new vision of possibility for living now as i enjoy the increasing pressure and responsibility which the nesecessity of walking my talk is bringing. Once the conviction of faith in life has been realized we really are in a position to welcome pressure because we really do know that that is the only thing which can shift the remaining distortions and limitations which we may have in our own conciousness.As we move on through in the victorious life others are drawn to us who have enough potential earned in their own lives to be inspired to ascend the mountain of self realization for themselves. I find myself led by the light oh hope in the eyes of those who are becoming my friends because they are doing the things which my expression of the truth in living dares their integrity. This is heaven and it is filled with love The second day of the first phase of the reduction of my medication
    Yes it does put me on the spot to maintain the victorious way of life no matter what because I do know that peoples very lives will be on the line as the heat which the passion of my living causes all of us to feel begins to burn away the layers of falseness which have hidden our true potential I am fire, dare to come near unto me and be ignited

    Noel Gaughan

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