How I got away with stolen cookies and created an alternate reality: a clue to the strategy used by big pharma and the APA

I’ve reprinted below some extracts from a deliciously subversive story about a trainee psychotherapist given an assigment by his master to steal some cookies from a store. The lessons drawn from this story bring to mind the story of another subversive, Huckleberry Finn, who wanted to help Jim, the runaway slave, yet also knew he was guilty of stealing property (Jim) from Miss Watson. Huck opted to go against the moral and legal standards of the time and work to free Jim.

How I got away with stolen cookies and created an alternate reality: a clue to the strategy used by big pharma and the APA
Saturday, January 14, 2012 by: Mike Bundrant

“I want to you steal some cookies from the grocery store. But don’t just sneak in there and put a box under your coat. Do it in a way in which you create a distorted reality and walk out of that store with the manager’s permission to take the cookies.”

Most of what I learned from the Mental Health Underground has come to me slowly but surely over the years as I have matured. The most poignant lesson of all is that reality, and the sanity that comes from knowing it, is a mutually created thing. We create and share it together. If someone doesn’t see reality the way most people do, he is considered crazy, out of touch. Schizophrenics fall into this category. Most people are not hearing voices come out of the walls. When someone does, he gets drugged up until the voices are smothered in a warm, chemical blanket.

Who created the reality you share?

When a person creates a bizarre reality and expects you to share it with them, you may not react well. The contrast between the bizarre reality and the one most people agree upon is too great. What happens, however, when the bizarre reality seems plausible from within the agreed upon one? The bizarre version has great potential to be adopted and shared, especially if the proponent of that reality has power or credibility.

In my case, the store manager accepted the scenario I presented, a bag full of items that I purchased. He had evidence of my credibility, as he knew of the bag I had left behind earlier in the evening. I altered that reality only slightly by including the mint cookies and it still met the manager’s approval. The manager failed to understand the layers of deception, however. He didn’t know that his memory of the forgotten grocery bag was part of my treacherous plot all along. What gave my story credibility was the false scenario that I created from the beginning.

What does this have to do with big pharma and the APA?

Everything. These organizations have fabricated a version of reality that mental health patients and helping professionals alike are required to accept. That reality has less to do what patients actually need or what is really going on in their lives and more to do with how to efficiently get their money while minimizing liability.

Share a reality that heals, not one that steals

The hidden blessing of my involvement with the Mental Health Underground is that it gave me a chance to share an incredibly useful experience with a few like-minded people that didn’t buy into the system. Although I admit some of our experiments were foolish, they pale in comparison to the vast experiments being perpetrated on humankind by those in power who will never feel bad enough to make amends for their stolen cookies. They play for keeps and it is your mind at stake.

Rather than buy into the mental health trip laid out in the DSM, opt for learning how your mind and emotions actually function. Learn to master your own state of being. Discover how to communicate well and how to manage conflict. Learn useful tools, not useless diagnoses! This is the path to health and healing.

Read the full article here:

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