Schizophrenia memoir free today on Kindle

Free Book again today

Louise Gillett (Schizophrenia at the Schoolgate) has written a memoir of surviving and thriving after a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It’s a free download today for Kindle users.
Please pass the word to anyone you know who might want a copy of her e-book ‘Surviving Schizophrenia: A Memoir.’

Here’s the link:

For the memoirists out there

Nice little piece from the New York Times about a mother who wrote her scorching memoir before she had children.

Every memoirist makes her own set of rules to write and to live by, and in these 12 years, the strictest rule to which I have adhered has been this: Before I have written anything about my son, I have asked myself whether I could imagine him turning to me some day, and saying, I wish you hadn’t told that story about me.

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