Sign a petition for more Open Dialogue

Get Behind Open Dialogue Movement for Mental Health

Target: US Department of Health and Human Services  
Sponsored by: Susan V  

Dr. Peter Lynch has released a new video in his series exposing misinformation that has dominated the mental healthcare industry far too long.

He, among others, says it’s not true that chemical imbalances in the brain cause mental illness, that psychiatry is solidly grounded in science or that its drugs correct any so-called imbalances. Also false, says Lynch, is that psychiatry and drugs are the best we have to deal with mental illness – that no other treatment options exist.

The real problem, he says, is not brain pathology. “It is emotional distress.”

And Dr. Jaakko Seikkula would agree. In the 1980s Seikkula and a team in Tornio, Finland developed an innovative treatment program that focuses on alleviating the emotional trauma of those in distress. This “Open Dialogue” has consistently reduced the need for hospitalization and medication and also reduced relapse “when compared with treatment as usual.”

With PTSD on the rise, exacerbated by two wars and added economic stress, it is destructive for the US DHHS to continue supporting the old myths about mental illness, while ignoring this new and effective treatment that the Institute for Dialogic Practice is teaching within the US.

Tell the Dept of Health to put full steam behind the Open Dialogue movement.

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1 thought on “Sign a petition for more Open Dialogue”

  1. More power to you and this project. I am 100% supportive. (btw – will soon have 2 advanced degrees, and plan to shout long and loud about the harms done by this misguided industry. Keep up the good work. See ya soon ~~

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